weather marrakech 15.18 °C Route Ourika km 10 - Tassoultant, Marrakech 40000 - Marrakech Maroc +212 524 02 05 38 | +212 524 37 77 84       GSM : +212 676 98 96 32

The principle of the hammam is double. At a deeper level, it acts as a vasodilator that induces intense muscle relaxation and prevents ligament pains. Once the muscles are relaxed, the body feels a lethargy that later induces a good night’s sleep. At the skin level, the products used in the process have a purifying and exfoliating effect that is enhanced by rich oils for a nourishing finish.


In Morocco, the hammams include the use of a special black soap derived from black olives that optimizes deep cleansing. This is followed by an exfoliating glove and finally the application of a volcanic clay mask.


This 100% natural black soap, based on olive pulp mixed with argan and olive oil, is extremely rich in vitamin E and cleanses the skin by eliminating dead cells and toxins. Vitamin E helps revitalize the skin by preventing dryness, dehydration and aging. The exfoliating glove is called Kessa or Kesse. It must be of very good quality to ensure that black soap and all dead skin cells are properly removed and that blood and lymphatic circulation is stimulated.

Tip: follow the hammam with a relaxing farmhouse